The specified type member 'Date' is not supported in LINQ to Entities Exception

LINQ to Entities cannot translate most .NET Date methods (including the casting you used) into SQL since there is no equivalent SQL.

The solution is to use the Date methods outside the LINQ statement and then pass in a value. It looks as if Convert.ToDateTime( is causing the error.

Calling Date on a DateTime property also cannot be translated to SQL, so a workaround is to compare the .Year .Month and .Day properties which can be translated to LINQ since they are only integers.

var ruleDate = Convert.ToDateTime(;
return jobdescriptions.Where(j => j.Deadline.Year == ruleDate.Year 
                       && j.Deadline.Month == ruleDate.Month 
                       && j.Deadline.Day == ruleDate.Day);

You can use the TruncateTime method of the EntityFunctions to achieve a correct translations of the Date property into SQL:

using System.Data.Objects; // you need this namespace for EntityFunctions

// ...

DateTime ruleData = Convert.ToDateTime(;
return jobdescriptions
    .Where(j => EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(j.JobDeadline) == ruleData);

Update: EntityFunctionsis deprecated in EF6, Use DbFunctions.TruncateTime