The Strange Unsorting Machine for Nefarious Purposes

GolfScript (score 27 - 120 = -93)


Note: that $ is referencing an element on the stack. There is sorting, but it's done with an manually coded bubble sort.

Thanks to Howard, for -90 => -92; and Ilmari, who inspired -92 => -93.

Python -26

(94-120): New, crude approach. Keep popping lowest elements into new list to get the elements sorted, then iterate:

exec't=t+[input()];'*N+'l+=[t.pop(t.index(min(t)))];'*N+'print l[i%N];i+=3;'*N

Python -13

(107-120): First approach: Removes four lowest elements at a time, then print these four in another order:

while l:
 for e in[b,d,a,c]:print e

C: 11 (131 - 120)

The programm reads from stdin and does a simple insert sort, after that it prints the nth together with th n+50th number, like many of the other solutions.
