Apple - "This copy of the Install OSX Mavericks..." error message via USB boot

Check that the date is correct. This is an error that can be received if your date is set utterly incorrectly, typically due to a flat battery prior to install and not being able to connect to an NTP server to correct.

It looks like the Mavericks installer is making a verification of an authenticated checksum with a certificate. If your date is out of scope of this certificate window of validity this process fail.

Look at: Jonathan Mohar receipe to fix a sadistic error message.

A more usefull error message might have been: The certificate of your Mavericks installer can't be verified. Check that your date and time are corrects.

The checksum validation should have been made much sooner in the installation process :{.

The problem is the system date when you do a clean install, so open the Terminal (Utilities > Terminal) in the start up screen (where you select to install the fresh os).

Set the correct date, assume that todays date is 2014-10-08 21:00 using the following format: date [month][day][time][year])

In the Terminal window, type: date 100821002014 and hit enter.

Refer to this link on Apple discussions.