Thread.Abort vs Thread.Interrupt

I would avoid using Thread.Abort at all costs. Its behavior is much safer and predictable since .NET 2.0, but there are still some pretty serious pitfalls with it. Most of the aborts inside managed code can be made safe, but not all of them. For example, I believe there are some subtle problems if an abort request is triggered during the processing of a static constructor. Nevermind, the fact that the out-of-band exception can occur at anytime giving you little control over defining where the safe points for shutdown are located.

There are several acceptable ways to terminate a thread gracefully.

  • Use Thread.Interrupt
  • Poll a stopping flag
  • Use WaitHandle events
  • Specialized API calls

I discuss these methods in my answer here.

Most suggestions are already done, but here's an example how i would do it:

    ManualResetEvent _requestTermination = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    Thread _thread;

    public void Init()
        _thread = new Thread(() =>

             while (!_requestTermination.WaitOne(0))
                 // do something usefull




    public void Dispose()

        // you could enter a maximum wait time in the Join(...)

This way the dispose will wait until the thread has exited.

If you need a delay within the thread, you shouldn't add Thread.Sleep. Use the WaitOne(delayTime). This way you will never have to wait to terminate it.