ThreeJS camera.lookAt() has no effect, is there something I'm doing wrong?

Looking at the source code of THREE.TrackballControls, I figured out that I can make the camera look where I want by setting to the THREE.Vector3 I want it to look at, and then rerendering the scene.

Yes Please beware... It seems that having THREE.TrackballControls or THREE.OrbitControls seems to override the camera.lookAt function as your are passing in your camera when you instantiate an instance of the controls. You might want to get rid of the controls and then performing camera.lookAt() or tween your camera some other way to verify that the controls are having a overriding effect on your Camera. I googled for a while why camera.lookat() seemed to have no effect.

In my opinion, we are not supposed to mess with the original code. I found a way around to achieve the objective of looking at any particular point. After having declared your "control" variable, simply execute these two lines of code:

// Assuming you know how to set the camera and myCanvas variables
control = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, myCanvas);

// Later in your code
control.object.position.set(camX, camY, camZ); = new THREE.Vector3(targetX, targetY, targetZ);

Keep in my mind that this will switch the center of the focus to your new target. In other words, your new target will be the center of all rotations of the camera. Some parts will be difficult to look at as you became familiar to manipulate the camera assuming the default center. Try zoom in as much as you can and you will have a sense of what I am saying Hope this help.