TikZ: Centering dash pattern between two nodes
There are standard answers, but all of them are very advanced and hard to understand. However, with markings
one can "mirror" a half of the curve like this.
\tikzstyle{loosely dashed}=[dash pattern=on 4pt off 8pt]
\tikzstyle{loosely dashed2}=[dash pattern=on 4pt off 8pt]
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style = {draw=none, text=black, circle, minimum size = 13mm, fill=gray!25}]
(0,3) node(y) {$Y$}
(-1.5,0) node[draw, line width=1pt](x1) {$X_1$}
(1.5,0) node[draw, line width=1pt](x2) {$X_2$};
\draw [line width=1pt,-,black] (y) -- (x1);
\draw [line width=1pt,-,black] (y) -- (x2);
%\draw [line width=3pt,-,loosely dashed,black] (x1.south east) to[bend right=40] (x2.south west);
\path [postaction={
mark=at position 0.5 with \coordinate (mid);
}] (x1) to[bend right=40] (x2);
\draw[line width=3pt,-,loosely dashed] ([xshift=-4pt]mid) to[out=180,in=-40] (x1);
\draw[line width=3pt,-,loosely dashed] ([xshift=4pt]mid) to[out=0,in=-140] (x2);
Another way is to measure the path and then stretch the dash length a bit in such a way that the path ends with a full on
. Please also note that \tikzstyle
is deprecated.
full dash/.style args={on #1 off #2}{
mark=at position 0 with {
postaction={draw,dash pattern=on \myon pt off \myoff pt}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style = {draw=none, text=black, circle, minimum size = 13mm, fill=gray!25}]
(0,3) node(y) {$Y$}
(-1.5,0) node[draw, line width=1pt](x1) {$X_1$}
(1.5,0) node[draw, line width=1pt](x2) {$X_2$};
\draw [line width=1pt,-,black] (y) -- (x1);
\draw [line width=1pt,-,black] (y) -- (x2);
\draw [line width=3pt,-,full dash=on 3pt off 6pt,black] (x1) to[bend right=40] (x2);