tikz Commutative Diagrams - Compiling and Best Practice

Here there is my version with tikz-cd. It is very easy to create simple and complex commutative diagrams.

Advice: do not worry about the background because It does not appear. Your initial code it is into this link.

enter image description here


V \arrow[r] \arrow[rdd] & FAI(V) \arrow[dd, dotted] \\
 &  \\
 & CL(V,q)


enter image description here

C \arrow[d, "\langle f_i \rangle_{i \in I}"', dotted] \arrow[rd, "f_i"] &  \\
\prod_{i \in I} A_i \arrow[r, "\pi_i"'] & A_i

Your code was almost correct, you just forgot the text label of the node.

Yours was like this:

\draw[->] (V) to node (FAI);

but it must be like this:

\draw[->] (V) to node {} (FAI);

or like this: (thanks @PaulGaborit)

\draw[->] (V) to (FAI);

I made three of these corrections.

enter image description here


$$\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm, auto]
  \node (V) {$V$};
  \node (FAI) [right of= V] {$FAI(V)$};
  \node (CL) [below of= FAI] {$CL(V,q)$};
  \draw[->] (V) to (FAI);% corrected here
  \draw[->, dashed] (FAI) to (CL);% here
  \draw[->] (V) to (CL);% and here
