tikz convert color string to hex value
Perhaps this (with \extractcolorspecs
and \convertcolorspec
from the xcolor
package, loaded by the tikz
\tikzset{box/.style={draw,outer sep=0,minimum size=1cm}}
\foreach \col [count=\i] in {red,orange,yellow,green,cyan,blue,purple} {
\node[box,yshift=1cm*\i*\dy,fill=\mycol,label=left:\mycol] (main) {\#\hex};
Not done in tikz
, but rather using the colorinfo
package to extract color information, and the binhex.tex
package to convert the color info into hex format.
Extending my answer here Draw a palette box in LaTeX to allow the specification in terms of LaTeX color specification.
\input binhex.tex
\def\saycolorsaux#1 #2 #3\relax{R:#1 G:#2 B:#3}
\def\intohexaux#1 #2 #3\relax{\twodigithex{#1}\twodigithex{#2}\twodigithex{#3}}
\expandafter\palbox\expandafter{\tmp} = \colorbox{mycolor}{#1}%
One more example base on @quark67's answer:
\begin{tikzpicture}[start chain=M1 going below,node distance=0]
\tikzset{box/.style={draw,outer sep=0,minimum width=2cm,on chain=M1}}
\foreach \col [count=\i] in {red,orange,yellow,green,cyan,blue,purple,
{rgb,255:red,0; green,255; blue,0},
{rgb:red,1;green,1;yellow,1}} {
\node[box,fill=\col,label=right:\col] (main) {\#\hex};