tikz: Draw rectangle with rounded corners only north/south?

One box and a path picture:

\tikzset{bicolor/.style args={#1 and #2}{
  path picture={
    \tikzset{rounded corners=0}
    \fill [#1] (path picture bounding box.west)
      rectangle (path picture bounding box.north east);
    \fill [#2] (path picture bounding box.west)
      rectangle (path picture bounding box.south east);
\path [bicolor={blue and red}, rounded corners=2ex] 
  (0,0) rectangle (2,4);

enter image description here

Thank you for your suggestions! I liked the method proposed in the answer Torbjørn T. linked to the most, so I'm answering here myself.





\fill [blue,draw]
  (0,0) --
  ++(5,0) {[rounded corners=10] --
  ++(0,5) --
  ++(-5,0)} --
\fill [red,draw]
  (0,0) --
  ++(5,0) {[rounded corners=10] --
  ++(0,-5) --
  ++(-5,0)} --



enter image description here





\begingroup % for `\offinterlineskip` 
\tcbset{arc=0.5cm,auto outer arc}
\begin{tcolorbox}[nobeforeafter,after=\par\nointerlineskip,sharp corners=south,height=4cm,colback=blue,boxrule=0pt,width=4cm]
\begin{tcolorbox}[nobeforeafter,after=\par\nointerlineskip,sharp corners=north,height=4cm,colback=red,boxrule=0pt,width=4cm]


enter image description here