Tikz Edge: Distance from other nodes?
There are probably various approaches to this. This example shows one that I frequently use.
\tikzstyle{bordered} = [draw,thick,inner sep=5,minimum size=10,minimum width=100,font=\sffamily]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,-latex,font=\sffamily]
\node [] (init) {};
\node [bordered,below=of init] (image) {App Image};
\node [bordered,below=of image] (running) {Running Container};
\node [bordered,below=of running] (stopped) {Persisted Container};
\draw [arrow] (init) -- (image) node [midway,right] {Install};
\draw [arrow] (image) -- (running) node [midway,right] {Start};
\draw [arrow] (running) -- (stopped) node [midway,right] {Terminate or Kill};
\draw [arrow] ($(stopped.west)+(0,2pt)$) --
++(-1em,0) --
node [midway,right] {Start} --
\draw [arrow] ($(stopped.west)+(0,-2pt)$) --
++(-2em,0) --
node [midway,left] {Reset} --
(image.west) ;
Somewhat simpler variant using the perpendicular syntax (|-
or -|
\tikzstyle{bordered} = [draw,thick,inner sep=5,minimum size=10,minimum width=100,font=\sffamily]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,-latex,font=\sffamily]
\node [] (init) {};
\node [bordered,below=of init] (image) {App Image};
\node [bordered,below=of image] (running) {Running Container};
\node [bordered,below=of running] (stopped) {Persisted Container};
\draw [arrow] (init) -- (image) node [midway,right] {Install};
\draw [arrow] (image) -- (running) node [midway,right] {Start};
\draw [arrow] (running) -- (stopped) node [midway,right] {Terminate or Kill};
\draw [arrow]
(stopped.west) ++ (up:2pt)
-- ++(left:1em)
|- (running.west)
node[pos=0.25,right]{Start} ;
\draw [arrow]
(stopped.west) ++ (down:2pt)
-- ++(left:2em)
|- (image.west)
A PSTricks solution:
% parameters
% simplifies notation
\psset{arrows = ->}
\rput(\constC{0.5},\constA{2.5}{2}){App Image}
\rput(\constC{0.5},\constA{1.5}{1}){Running Container}
\uput[r](\constC{0.5},\constA{1}{0.5}){Terminate or Kill}
\rput(\constC{0.5},\constA{0.5}{0}){Persisted Container}
All you have to do is change the values of the parameters and the drawing will be adjusted accordingly.