TikZ-Editor: Preview error

The error messages says that the LaTeX command is incorrect, which it is by default (more or less). You either could chang your global path variable in a way that TikZ-editor finds pdflatex, or you tell TikZ-Editor where pdflatex is installed. WIth MacTeX, the command should be

"/usr/texbin/pdflatex" -file-line-error -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory $OUTPUT_DIR -jobname $FILE_NAME $FILE_PATH

change the latex command

Tobi's solution didn't work for me until I got rid of the quotation marks. I.e., instead of "/usr/texbin/pdflatex" use /usr/texbin/pdflatex.

The pdflatex executable wasn't in /usr/texbin/pdflatex on my system. A more general approach would be to locate the file on your system by typing the following command in terminal on Mac:

which pdflatex

On Windows the command would be where pdflatex

It then gives you the path to pdflatex, which in may case was:
