TikZ or symbol eyes for difficulty of examples/exercises

It is very simple to do.

If you get the idea, you can create the other few you want.

The output

enter image description here

The code

  \draw (0,0) circle (.5);
  \fill (0,0) circle (.25);
  \draw (0,0) circle (.5);
  \fill (0,-.25) circle (.25);
  \draw (0,0) circle (.5);
  \fill (.25,0) circle (.25);
\straightEye \downwardsEye \ look at me \rightEye\rightEye

Or like this :

The output

enter image description here

The code

  \draw (0,0) circle (.5);
  \fill (#2:.25) circle (.25);
\foreach \ang in {0,30,...,360} {\sideEye{\ang}}

I like the answer of marsupilam. For the completeness sake: my idea of reducing the number of images embedded into the pdf file would be to embedd it only once.

Basically save each kind of eyes using a box, then just use these boxes. My current understanding is that the images would be embedded only once and then referenced again and again in the output file.

Update: I was just told than standard boxes don't work like this, but xsavebox does the trick. Thanks to AlexG.