Tikz package in tabularx, |c|X| |c|c|—I want a compact 2 column table with no borders
I am not sure, how the desired result looks like. Maybe something like that:
If you want to use |c|c|
as column declaration fot the table, the environment enumerate
must be used in a box like \parbox
or minipage
with a given width. Or you can use environment varwidth
. Additionally I have used package enumitem
to format the items in the enumeration.
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center),scale=2]
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {shape=circle, fill=black, minimum size=3pt,inner sep=0pt}}
\Edge[label = $\widetilde{p}_1$,color=red](S$_0$)(uS$_0$)
\Edges[label = $\widetilde{p}_2$,color=yellow](S$_0$,mS$_0$)
\Edges[label = $\widetilde{p}_3$,color=green](S$_0$,dS$_0$)
\Edges[label = $1+r$](t=0,t=1)
\path(current bounding box.north)--++(0,2pt);% enlarge the height of the picture
\item $m < d < 1+r < u$
\item $d < m < 1+r < u$
\item $d < 1+r < m < u$
\item $d < 1+r < u < m$
There are two things that cause extra space: one is the initial space introduced by itemize which you can remove by \@minipagetrue
. and the other one is the baseline option you have in the TikZ picture. For the borders remove |
and \hline
And you don't need extra tabular inside the tabularx environment.
Here is a hand tweaked version :
%commands for the tree packages below
\usetikzlibrary{trees,fit,shapes,arrows,calc, patterns}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ |c|>{\csname @minipagetrue\endcsname}X| }
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,baseline={([yshift=1.5cm]current bounding box.center)}]
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {shape=circle, fill=black, minimum size=3pt,inner sep=0pt}}
\Edge[label = $\widetilde{p}_1$,color=red](S$_0$)(uS$_0$)
\Edges[label = $\widetilde{p}_2$,color=yellow](S$_0$,mS$_0$)
\Edges[label = $\widetilde{p}_3$,color=green](S$_0$,dS$_0$)
\Edges[label = $1+r$](t=0,t=1)
& \begin{enumerate}[I]
\item. $m < d < 1+r < u$
\item. $d < m < 1+r < u$
\item. $d < 1+r < m < u$
\item. $d < 1+r < u < m$
I had a similar issue before. I my case I had some Tikz graphics within the table. I found that placing the Tikz figures as PDFs simplifies the problem a lot. Maybe you can also place the figure as a PDF.
Below is a sample that I have.
\centering{}\caption{\label{tab:SummMass}A Summary}
\textbf{Normalization Procedure} & \smallskip{}
\textbf{Generalized Mass} & \smallskip{}
\textbf{Effective Mass}\tabularnewline
\noindent \includegraphics[width=6cm]
{../Progress/EffMass/Paper/2017-05-20/figures/fig05a} &
$\begin{aligned}\bar{m} &
& =\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(\psi_{j}\right)^{2}m_{j}
$ & $
\begin{aligned}m_{i}^{\text{eff}} &
\includegraphics[width=6cm]{../Progress/EffMass/Paper/2017-05-20/figures/fig05b} &
$\begin{aligned}\bar{m}_{\text{D}} &
& =\sum_{j=1}^{n}\left(\psi_{\text{D},j}\right)^{2}m_{j}
$ & $\begin{aligned}m_{i}^{\text{eff}} &