Tikz picture inline
Either use tikzpicture
as an environment or the \tikz
inline macro.
But the problem with the line stretching is quite obvious!
A stupid text followed by \begin{tikzpicture}\draw[fill=red,line width=1pt] circle(1ex);\end{tikzpicture}
A stupid text followed by \tikz{\draw[fill=red,line width=1pt] circle(1ex);}
A stupid text followed by another stupid text followed
A stupid text followed by some dots \tikz{%
\foreach \x /\cola in {1/blue,2/yellow,3/red,4/green,5/orange} {%
\shade[ball color=\cola] (\x,0) circle(0.5ex*\x);
Another example from a real-life document I have:
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.5, baseline=-3mm, thick]
\draw (0,0) -- +(0mm,-4.0mm) {
+(-2mm,0mm) -- +(2mm,0mm)
+(-1mm,-1mm) -- +(1mm,-1mm)
+(-0.3mm,-2mm) -- +(0.3mm,-2mm)
We have a text here, and then I refer to the ground (\ground) connection point in the instrument. Clearly, the \ground{} symbol will change the spacing...
you can play with the \texttt{scale} and \texttt{baseline=-3mm} parameters in the definition\dots
Here is a suggestion on how to place inline and the tikz code not be high enough from the text.
\raisebox{-2pt}{\tikz{\draw[line width=1pt, >->] (0, 0) arc (-180:0:8pt);}}
The output that gave me was the following, which is quite good I guess.