TikZ Styles that set Nodepart Styles
You can choose the font for a node part by using the normal TikZ key font=<font switch like \bfseries>
. Note that the default Computer Modern font does not have a bold typewriter font. You can use the Courier font for that (see Using \ttfamily with \bfseries (or how to enable bold in fixed-width font)).
\guillemotleft {#1}\guillemotright%
\tikzset{class or interface/.style={%
shape=rectangle split,%
rectangle split parts=3,%
rectangle split part align={center,left,left},%
rectangle split part fill={#1!30!white,#1!20!white,#1!10!white},
every two node part/.style={align=center, font=\ttfamily},
every three node part/.style={align=left, font=\ttfamily},
node distance=2
class or interface=green,
every one node part/.style={align=center, font=\ttfamily\itshape}
concrete class/.style={
class or interface=red,
every one node part/.style={align=center, font=\ttfamily\bfseries}
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{pcr} % Choose typewriter font that supports bold
\frametitle{Class Diagram of the Observer Pattern}
\path (0,0) node(Subject)[interface,anchor=east]
attach( Observer o )\\
detach( Observer o )\\
notify( )
+(+0.0,-1.5)node(ConcreteSubject)[concrete class,anchor=north]
Observer[] observers
attach( Observer o )\\
detach( Observer o )\\
notify( )