time_t to boost date conversion giving incorrect result

It appears that you're experiencing the Year 2038 problem.

The largest number representable by 32 bit signed integer is 2'147'483'647. 2'147'483'647 seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1st of January 1970 (the UNIX epoch) is 03:14:07 UTC on 19th of January 2038. Any UNIX time after that is unrepresentable using a 32 bit signed integer.

Either std::time_t on the system is 32 bits, or it is converted into 32 bits inside the boost library. You can see from the source that boost converts the input into long using static_cast (and still does in version 1.70). long is 32 bits for example on windows, even on 64 bit architectures. It is 64 bits on many other systems such as 64 bit Linux.


