Timestamping logs of programs managed by supervisord

Edit: Guess I'll leave this here. This approach doesn't work, exactly, since the sed command just uses its startup date output in perpetuity, so the timestamps aren't correct.

Another way to accomplish this, very close to your initial attempt, would be to put your original command inside the quotes of a bash -c "command here" e.g.

command=bash -c 'php /www/myapp/worker.php 2>&1 | sed "s/^/`date` /" >> /var/log/supervisord/worker_log';

Note I switched from > to >> since I tend to want to preserve these logs, and manage the log files via logrotate rules.

For the more general case, you may need to set up your environment as well, and that gets a bit unseemly, but at least it's all in one spot to be inspected. Toy example: bash -c "source ~/setup.bash && php /www/myapp/worker.php 2>&1 | sed ... >> /your/logfile/path.log"

(Disclaimer: Given my mild surprise that this answer doesn't exist already, I would be unsurprised to learn that this is a bad way to do things)

a previous answer (from Jack) is correct in that you need another layer of code to timestamp each line. This one-liner in perl will achieve the same result:

perl -ne '@timeparts=localtime(); printf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s",$timeparts[5]+1900,$timeparts[4]+1,@timeparts[3,2,1,0], $_);'

Use this in place of the sed script.

One problem with the approach you tried didn't work was that the date is calculated and substituted by the shell at the point that the sed command was invoked so all the lines would have had the same log timestamp

You could write a dedicated wrapper script that will attach a filter to the stderr before invoking your worker code:

// filter to prepend date/time on all stderr output
class eventdata_filter extends php_user_filter
    function filter($in, $out, &$consumed, $closing)
        while (($bucket = stream_bucket_make_writeable($in))) {
            $bucket->data = date('c') . ' ' . $bucket->data;
            $consumed += $bucket->datalen;
            stream_bucket_append($out, $bucket);
        return PSFS_PASS_ON;

// register our custom filter    
stream_filter_register('eventdata', 'eventdata_filter');

// keep a reference to the attached filter
$filter = stream_filter_append(STDERR, 'eventdata', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);

// isolate the worker from any variables in this scope, such as $filter
function run()
    include 'worker.php';

// run the worker

// remove the filter

Btw, if you don't remove the filter it causes a segmentation fault (at least, tested on 5.4).