\tiny etc. in mathmode

Size commands do not work in math mode. However (some) size commands set up math so if you enter a new math expression from text while the size change is in force, you get math of a matching size. Internally array is an \halign in which each cell is surrounded by $...$ so in fact using array is like using \mbox{empty text $ matrix cell$} so the entries pick up the size change more or less by accident.



A simple way to change the font size in math mode is to put the size-changing command inside a \mbox, for example:

\documentclass[varwidth, preview]{standalone}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}    % Or unicode-math
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % The default since 2018.


\( x \mscriptsize{y} \mtiny{\omega} \)

x y ω

You might want only the braces if you need a long expression to wrap.

You can also use \text from amsmath to insert arbitrary text-mode commands within math mode, such as \text{\tiny\itshape x}.

You could define a tinymatrix environment modeled on smallmatrix:


% from amsmath.sty, line 960:
  \baselineskip4\ex@ \lineskip1.2\ex@ \lineskiplimit\lineskip





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