TinyMCE : Toolbar icons not appearing

If you are using TinyMCE 5.3 of above, you need to import default icons as below.

import 'tinymce/icons/default';

Here are the references:

  • You Are Great http://www.clapself.com
  • TinyMCE Official Doc https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/advanced/usage-with-module-loaders/

My icons stopped showing up when I upgraded to Angular 9. I'm not sure why or how they worked before, but the fix was simple enough in my case. I just had to ensure the icons were being copied from the node_modules folder into my output in the "assets" section of the angular.json file.


don't place the js folder too far outside outside.....enter image description here

problem solved when the referring folder(tinymce) placed together with the html(or whatever it may be) file...enter image description here