Tips for a successful AppStore submission?

First, don't worry about the missing author/title information (and icon) in iTunes. That's meta data which arrives when you distribute using the App Store.

Your bundle identifier, as sascha says, should be unique and is usually your domain backwards. This needs to match the App Id you created in the Developer Portal.

The Display Name (CFBundleDisplayName) is how it appears on the home screen. One important thing I found about this is that it can be localised, so if your app was called "Beer" in English, it could display as "Birra" in Italian and "Bier" in German.

The mechanical stuff, as long as you follow the instructions, is actually fairly straight forward. I found the key is being prepared. You basically get no notice before your App goes live, and the review process can take any where from a few hours to a few weeks. Make sure you have a website up and running and the ability to accept (and provide) feedback. I just used Blogger.

Unless your app is trivial the real world will find problems that you didn't anticipate and your unhappy users will always be the most vocal, so you need the ability to reply!

My app is Yummy, by the way.

Make sure you have a flame proof suit to deal with all the retarded reviewers that give bad marks without trying the app or reading the description of what it's supposed to.

I got marked down for not doing things that my description says it doesn't do.

The review process, and inability to really respond, is maddening.

When submitting an app, make sure you set the version number properly in the info.plist file -- When updating an app, you must increase the version number. You can use x.x notation, or x.x.x notation. (I forgot to update it on my first app update). Not that it's hard to update and recompile, but it is one of those thing to easily forget.

I agree with Hunter as well. You WILL get bad reviews. It's ok. They're morons. Your app is great.

If you ever have problems with certificates, there are a few things I've found helpful:

  1. Restart XCode.
  2. In your iPhone/iPod, Go into Settings>General>Profiles Make sure the distribution profile you use is in there, and there are no other conflicting profiles (I had two distribution profiles for the same app). You can remove them right in the iPhone/iPod.

At some point you will see the "Application failed codesign verification" error. it will make you insane. Take a deep breath. Restart XCode, restart your development hardware. Go hit a wall, go have a drink, and it will all work again.

Then, you'll want to:

  1. Clean the Build Target (or all targets if you're mad at all of them)
  2. Set the Code Signing Identity (in the Target properties) to "Don't Code Sign"
  3. Close Xcode
  4. Remove all directories in build folder
  5. Open Xcode
  6. Reset the Code Signing Identity to your iPhone Distribution: certificate
  7. Sacrifice a small animal.
  8. Build.
  9. Submit Application to iTunes Connect
  10. Profit!

Note that Xcode 4 is much better when it comes to dealing with provisioning.