To Use or Not To Use the 'this' qualifier in C#

Preferably, i use this only to prevent ambiguity between (possibly) a property and a function parameter

public class thing

   private string name;

   public thing(string name)
   { = name; // will set private string name to param string name


If you are already working in the context of a certain class, it's not so hard to keep this in mind, and i do not need to be reminded of the fact that I am addressing a local variable every time i address one.

So I think ReSharper's right on this one.

One of the important things to remember is that this is removed by the compiler and so it is purely a matter of 'what looks good to you and those with whom you share code?'. It will affect performance not a whit.

I find it redundant particularly with a well defined coding standard:

Name // Property
_name // Member field
name // local variable

Using this.<whatever> just seems to be more work.