Tomcat 7: Connection reset by peer or Software caused connection abort

I added


in user/.m2/settings.xml

Also I didn't change pom.xml, tomcat-users.xml and Maven/conf/settings.xml and now all works fine.

In my case settings looked ok, but I already had the same webapp uploaded to tomcat and hadn't specified


in tomcat plugin in pom.xml

            <!-- tomcat deploy plugin -->

This works for me :)

Environment -> Windowd 8.1 + Maven 3 + Tomcat 8.1.15 + JDK 1.8 Also, I had to use tomcat:redeploy

ALso, update your maven settings via -> Preferences->Maven->User Settings to point to your maven settings.xml file. Add the values of the server in the maven settings.xml ( servers section and add the tomcat server details there). Use that here( for me the id is TomcatServer )

Some of the steps were taken from here:-