Top-most and Bottom-most Horizontal Divider does not show up in ListView

Add a dummy footer and header

listViewContato = (ListView) view.findViewById(;
listViewContato.addHeaderView(new View(getActivity()));
listViewContato.addFooterView(new View(getActivity()));

Have you looked into setting android:headerDividersEnabled and android:footerDividersEnabled on the ListView?

Also, if you look for drawDivider in platform/frameworks/base/+/master/core/java/android/widger/ in the Android open source repository, you'll be able to find some more clues.

Here's how I implemented it... Bottom divider shows up after setting android:paddingBottom for the ListView. BUT in my case after setting android:paddingTop top and bottom dividers are not showing. I don't know why. So I added in my list_item_layout.xml the following code:

    android:background="?android:attr/listDivider" />

and in my adapter I just changing the visibility of this view:

View topDivider = v.findViewById(;

if (position == 0) {
} else {

Hope this will helpfull to someone.