tor browser install Ubuntu 14.04

Install from Terminal:

Note: If you installed older version of Tor-Browser, in first you must clear the old .tor-browser-en folder from home folder. Just clear that by using: cd ~ && rm -r .tor-browser-en

Then type following line one by one in Terminal ( Ctrl+Alt+T ) to install Tor-Browser.

 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/tor-browser
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install tor-browser

Now open dash and type "Tor", click on and use.

Alright, I'll lead you step by step on how to run the Tor browser

  1. Download the latest tor tarball from here
  2. open a terminal window and navigate to the directory you downloaded it to
  3. run this command: tar -xvf <NAME_OF_TARBALL>
  4. use cd to go into the created directory
  5. use this command to give the start script permission to run: chmod +x
  6. run the start script with ./

That should work, let me know if it doesn't and I'll look into it more


