Torn edge paper effect for images
A bit lengthy, but here's my attempt. The parameters in torn
are the base image img
and an array describing which edges should be torn. This array is of the form {{left, right}, {bottom, top}}
, where a 0
corresponds to a straight edge and any non-zero value to a torn edge, so {{0, 0}, {1, 0}}
would correspond to an image where only the bottom edge is torn.
Options[torn] = {"amplitude" -> .04, "frequency" -> 50, "offset" -> {10, 10},
"opacity" -> .7, "gaussianBlur" -> 4};
torn[img_, {{l_, r_}, {b_, t_}}, OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{ratio, left, right, bottom, top, poly, img1, shadow, amp, dx, offset},
ratio = #2/#1 & @@ ImageDimensions[img];
amp = OptionValue["amplitude"] {Min[1/ratio, 1], Min[ratio, 1]};
dx = 1/(OptionValue["frequency"] {Min[1/ratio, 1], Min[ratio, 1]});
offset = Abs[{##}] UnitStep[{#1 {-1, 1}, #2 {1, -1}}] & @@ OptionValue["offset"];
left = If[l == 0, {{0, 1}, {0, 0}},
Table[{RandomReal[{0, 1} amp[[2]]], i}, {i, 1 - amp[[2]], dx[[2]], -dx[[2]]}]];
right = If[r == 0, {{1, 0}, {1, 1}},
Table[{1 + RandomReal[{-1, 0} amp[[2]]], i}, {i, dx[[2]], 1 - amp[[2]], dx[[2]]}]];
bottom = If[b == 0, {{0, 0}, {1, 0}},
Table[{i, RandomReal[{0, 1} amp[[1]]]}, {i, dx[[1]], 1 - amp[[1]], dx[[1]]}]];
top = If[t == 0, {{1, 1}, {0, 1}},
Table[{i, 1 + RandomReal[{-1, 0} amp[[1]]]}, {i, 1 - amp[[1]], dx[[1]], -dx[[1]]}]];
poly = Join[left, bottom, right, top];
{img1, shadow} =
Image@Graphics[#, ImagePadding -> OptionValue["gaussianBlur"],
PlotRangePadding -> None, AspectRatio -> ratio, Background -> None,
ImageSize -> ImageDimensions[img] + 2 OptionValue["gaussianBlur"]] & /@
{{Texture[img], EdgeForm[Black], Polygon[poly, VertexTextureCoordinates -> poly]},
img1 = ImagePad[img1, offset, {1, 1, 1, 0}];
shadow = ImagePad[GaussianFilter[shadow, OptionValue["gaussianBlur"]],
Reverse /@ offset, {1, 1, 1, 0}];
ImageCompose[img1, {shadow, OptionValue["opacity"]}, Center, Center, {1, 1, -1}]]
There are a number of options which control various image parameters. These are the amplitude of the tears "amplitude"
, the frequency of the jags, "frequency"
, the opacity of the shadow, "opacity"
, and the blurriness of the shadow "gaussianBlur"
. The offset of the shadow towards the lower right corner is controlled by the option "offset"
which is off the form {right, bottom}
where right
and bottom
are in points. Negative values for right
and bottom
indicate a shadow pointing towards the left and/or top of the image.
img = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Mandrill"}];
torn[img, {{0, 1}, {1, 0}}, "offset" -> {20, 20}, "gaussianBlur" -> 10]
Apparently, under certain circumstances Mathematica doesn't render a transparent background for img1
which results in a white region between the image and the shadow. I managed to reproduce this behaviour in version 8.0.1 for OS X with img = Image@Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}]
, but not in 8.0.4. It seems that setting the ImageSize
in Graphics
is the culprit. To resolve this issue I replaced {img1, shadow} = Image@Graphics...
in torn
{img1, shadow} =
Graphics[#, ImagePadding -> OptionValue["gaussianBlur"],
PlotRangePadding -> None, AspectRatio -> ratio,
Background -> None],
ImageSize -> ImageDimensions[img] + 2 OptionValue["gaussianBlur"],
Background -> None] & /@
{{Texture[img], EdgeForm[Black], Polygon[poly, VertexTextureCoordinates -> poly]},
With the release of M11.2 I finally can add an answer via a built-in function. Let's get the test image:
i = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Mandrill"}];
Now it becomes as easy as this:
torn = ImageEffect[i, {"TornFrame", Scaled[1/15], {Right, Bottom}, .05}]
Note there is no shadow to dramatize the effect. It can be achieved by various methods, for instance (we are making this mask slightly larger than original image):
shadow = ImageResize[
Blur[ColorNegate[Binarize[ColorQuantize[torn, 1]]], 20],
ImageCompose[shadow, torn, {Left, Top}, {Left, Top}]
I still like @Heike answer very much ;-)
Here is a non-hackish way to reproduce the Heike's style of torn edges using ImageEffect
of version 10.2 with even higher irregularity (irregular steps):
i = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Mandrill"}];
t = Module[{step = 10, if, n = 2 Total[ImageDimensions[i]], k = 0},
if = Interpolation[
Transpose[{Accumulate[Prepend[RandomInteger[{step, 2 step}, n], 0]],
RandomReal[1, n + 1]}], InterpolationOrder -> 1];
ImageEffect[i, {"Frame", if[++k] &, 15, {Right, Bottom}}]]
Original answer
An extension of the answer by Vitaliy. We can reproduce the Heike's style of torn edges with ImageEffect
of version 10.2 by Block
ing the Accumulate
i = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Mandrill"}];
t = Block[{Accumulate = RandomReal[1, Length[#]] &},
ImageEffect[i, {"TornFrame", Scaled[1/15], {Right, Bottom}, .08}]]
(the hack is found by tracing the evaluation of ImageEffect
Here is how to add a semi-transparent shadow:
offset = 10;
blur = 5;
shadowTone = .5;
ImageCompose[SetAlphaChannel[ColorNegate@#, #] &@Blur[
ImageMultiply[ImagePad[AlphaChannel[t], {{offset, blur/2}, {blur/2, offset}}],
shadowTone], blur],
ImagePad[t, {{0, offset + blur/2}, {offset + blur/2, 0}}]]
Sometimes it is desirable to highlight the boundary:
boundaryLigntness = .4;
SetAlphaChannel[ColorNegate@#, #] &@Blur[
ImageMultiply[ImagePad[AlphaChannel[t], {{offset, blur/2}, {blur/2, offset}}],
shadowTone], blur],
ColorNegate@ImageMultiply[MorphologicalPerimeter@AlphaChannel[t], boundaryLigntness]],
{{0, offset + blur/2}, {offset + blur/2, 0}}]]