toString(), equals(), and hashCode() in an interface

It sounds like you want to force your classes to override the default implementations of those methods. If so, the way to do this is to declare an abstract superclass that has the methods declared as abstract. For example:

public abstract class MyBaseClass implements ... /* existing interface(s) */ {

    public abstract boolean equals(Object other);

    public abstract int hashCode();

    public abstract String toString();

Then change your current classes to extend this class.

This approach kind of works, but it is not an ideal solution.

  • It can be problematic for an existing class hierarchy.

  • It is a bad idea to force classes that implement your existing interface to extend a specific abstract class. For example, you can change parameters in method signatures to use the abstract class rather than the existing interface(s). But the end result is less flexible code. (And people can find ways to subvert this anyway; e.g. by adding their own abstract subclass that "implements" the methods with a super.<method>(...) call!)

  • Imposing a particular class hierarchy / implementation pattern is short sighted. You cannot predict whether some future requirement change will mean that your restrictions cause difficulties. (This is why people recommend programming against interfaces rather than specific classes.)

Back to your actual question about why your interface doesn't force a class to redeclare those methods:

Why won't this get enforced for me? It complains if I don't implement any of the other methods, but it doesn't enforce those three. What gives? Any clues?

An interface imposes the constraint that a concrete class implementing it has an implementation for each of the methods. However, it doesn't require that the class itself provides those methods. The method implementations can be inherited from a superclass. And in this case, that is what is happening. The methods inherited from java.lang.Object saftisfy the constraint.

JLS 8.1.5 states the following:

"Unless the class being declared is abstract, all the abstract member methods of each direct superinterface must be implemented (§ either by a declaration in this class or by an existing method declaration inherited from the direct superclass or a direct superinterface, because a class that is not abstract is not permitted to have abstract methods (§"

All objects in Java inherit from java.lang.Object and Object provides default implementations of those methods.

If your interface contains other methods, Java will complain if you don't implement the interface fully by providing an implementation of those methods. But in the case of equals(), hashCode() and toString() (as well as a few others that you didn't mention) the implementation already exists.

One way you might be able to accomplish what you want is by providing a different method in the interface, say, toPrettyString() or something like that. Then you can call that method instead of the default toString() method.

All 3 of those methods are defined by java.lang.Object which is (implicitly) extended by all other classes; therefore default implementations for those methods exist and compiler has nothing to complain about.