Totally Invertible Submatrices

Jelly, 26 24 23 20 19 17 16 bytes

-1 byte thanks to @miles (unnecessary for each, , when taking determinants)
-2 bytes, @miles again! (unnecessary chain separation, and use of Ѐ quick)


TryItOnline! or all 8 tests


œcЀJÇ€€Ȧ  - Main link: matrix as an array, M
    J      - range of length -> [1,2,...,len(a)] (n)
  Ѐ       - for each of right argument
œc         -     combinations of M numbering n
     Ç€€   - call the last link (1) as a monad for €ach for €ach
        Ȧ  - all truthy (any determinant of zero results in 0, otherwise 1)
                 (this includes an implicit flattening of the list)

ZœcLÆḊ - Link 1, determinants of sub-matrices: row selection, s
Z      - transpose s
   L   - length of s
 œc    - combinations of transposed s numbering length of s
    ÆḊ - determinant

Mathematica 10.0, 34 bytes


A 6-tilde chain... new personal record!

MATL, 57 bytes


Of course, you can Try it online!

Input should be in 'portrait' orientation (nRows>=nColumns). I feel that this may not be the most efficient solution... But at least I'm leaving some room for others to outgolf me. I would love to hear specific hints that could have made this particular approach shorter, but I think this massive bytecount should inspire others to make a MATL entry with a completely different approach. Displays 0 if falsy, or a massive value if truthy (will quickly become Inf if matrix too large; for 1 extra byte, one could replace H* with H&Y (logical and)). Saved a few bytes thanks to @LuisMendo.

tZy  % Duplicate, get size. Note that n=<m.   
%   STACK:  [m n], [C]
t: % Range 1:m                           
%   STACK:  [1...m], [m n], [C]
Y@   % Get all permutations of that range. 
%   STACK:  [K],[m n],[C] with K all perms in m direction.
!"   % Do a for loop over each permutation.
%   STACK:  [m n],[C], current permutation in @.
@b   % Push current permutation. Bubble size to top.
%   STACK:  [m n],[pM],[C] with p current permutation in m direction.
2)t:Y@!" % Loop over all permutations again, now in n direction
%   STACK: [n],[pM],[C] with current permutation in @.
@w:" % Push current permutation. Loop over 1:n (to get size @ x @ matrices)
%   STACK: [pN],[pM],[C] with loop index in @.
3$t  % Duplicate the entire stack.
%   STACK: [pN],[pM],[C],[pN],[pM],[C]
@:)  % Get first @ items from pN
%   STACK: [pNsub],[pM],[C],[pN],[pM],[C]
w@:) % Get first @ items from pM
%   STACK: [pMsub],[pNsub],[C],[pN],[pM],[C]
w3$)  % Get submatrix. Needs a `w` to ensure correct order.
%   STACK: [Csub],[pN],[pM],[C]
0&|  % Determinant.
%   STACK: [det],[pN],[pM],[C]
H*XHx% Multiply with clipboard H.
%   STACK: [pN],[pM],[C]
]    % Quit size loop
%   STACK: [pN],[pM],[C]. Expected: [n],[pM],[C]
J)   % Get last element from pN, which is n.
%   STACK: [n],[pM],[C]
]    % Quit first loop
xxtZy% Reset stack to
%   STACK: [m n],[C]
]    % Quit final loop.
H& % Output H only.