Transform a DataTable into Dictionary C#

The generic method ToDictionary has 3 parameters. You left one off, so it doesn't know what to do. If you want to specify all of the parameters, it would be <DataRow, string, object>.

internal Dictionary<string,object> GetDict(DataTable dt)
    return dt.AsEnumerable()
      .ToDictionary<DataRow, string, object>(row => row.Field<string>(0),
                                row => row.Field<object>(1));

Of course, if you leave them off, the compiler is able to infer the types, so you don't get the error.

All the previos answers didn't help me, so I did this:

myList = dt.AsEnumerable()
.ToDictionary<DataRow, string, string>(row => row[0].ToString(),
                                       row => row[1].ToString()); 

and it worked great!

i prefer this method:

public static List<Dictionary<string, string>> GetDataTableDictionaryList(DataTable dt)
    return dt.AsEnumerable().Select(
        row => dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().ToDictionary(
            column => column.ColumnName,
            column => row[column].ToString()

the reason why is because this code can also deal with Booleans or other data types by calling the ToString method.

Notice this returns a list of dictionaries, you can modify it to a dictionary of dictionaries if you have key for each row.

iterate over a bool column might look like so:

var list = GetDataTableDictionaryList(dt);

foreach (var row in list)
    if (row["Selected"].Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        // do something