Transform a set of columns in a data.table
What about using the .SDCols
argument along with assignment by reference (:=
DT <- data.table(iris)
DT[, c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")
:=lapply(.SD, function(x) x*1000), .SDcols=1:4]
# Alternatively you can grab the names the usual way:
# DT[, names(DT)[1:4] := lapply(.SD, function(x) x*1000), .SDcols=1:4]
# Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
# 1: 5100 3500 1400 200 setosa
# 2: 4900 3000 1400 200 setosa
# 3: 4700 3200 1300 200 setosa
# 4: 4600 3100 1500 200 setosa
# 5: 5000 3600 1400 200 setosa
# ---
# 146: 6700 3000 5200 2300 virginica
# 147: 6300 2500 5000 1900 virginica
# 148: 6500 3000 5200 2000 virginica
# 149: 6200 3400 5400 2300 virginica
# 150: 5900 3000 5100 1800 virginica
is the right approach, but you can specify the column names just once using a vector.
DT <- data.table(iris)
colnms <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")
DT[, (colnms) := lapply(.SD, function(x) x*1000), .SDcols = colnms]
Note that you need the parentheses to the left of :=
to stop data.table
interpreting colnms
as the name of a column.