Travis Could not authorize build request

It's also worth mentioning that this happens if you do not have a plan selected for your organization. First, you need to select a plan (Travis does not automatically select the free plan for you). Then, you can trigger a build and see if things work.

If that does not work, you're likely out of builds and will need to upgrade the account.

Make sure your subscription even to the Free plan is OK. In my case it was ON for the Github user. However, it was not for the organization

'Could not authorize build request ...' usually occurs due to

  1. A plan is not selected. Travis will not select the free plan automatically. Select the free or paid plan for your organization manually.
  2. Selected plan become inactive. Go to settings and select the plan again.
  3. Expiration of your paid subscription.
  4. Ran out of free trial build credits available for private repositories.

Travis CI is always-free only for public repositories. The free plan also provides 10,000 build credits try out building private repositories. Read updated info on Billing FAQ.