Trellis Diagram
Here is my approach. I made commands for the edges and the inputs and outputs.
\tikzstyle{mainedge}=[red,very thick]
\tikzstyle{inputBit}=[rectangle,fill=red, text=white]
\tikzstyle{outputBit}=[rectangle,fill=blue, text=white]
\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\xplusone}{#1 + 1}
\draw[mainedge] (s#1#2) -- (s\xplusone2);
\draw[mainedge] (s#1#2) -- (s\xplusone0);
\draw[lightedge] (s#1#2) -- (s\xplusone3);
\draw[lightedge] (s#1#2) -- (s\xplusone1);
% #1=x; #2=y; #3=In; #4=Out
\node[inputBit] (in#1) at (#1+0.5,5) {#3};
\node[outputBit] (out#1) at (#1+0.5,6) {#4};
\draw[pointer] (in#1) -- (#1+0.5,#2);
\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.5cm, y=-1cm]
\node at (-0.5,0) [left] {$s_1=00$};
\node at (-0.5,1) [left] {$s_2=01$};
\node at (-0.5,2) [left] {$s_3=10$};
\node at (-0.5,3) [left] {$s_4=11$};
% Nodes
\foreach \x in {0,...,3} {
\node at (\x,-.7) {$t=\x$};
\foreach \y in {0,...,3} {
\node (s\x\y) at (\x,\y) [circle,fill=blue] {};
\node at (\x,4) {
Node \pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=0]{\pgfmathresult}
% Edges
% Inputs and Outputs
\node at (-0.5,5) [left] {Input Bits};
\node at (-0.5,6) [left] {Output Bits};
Here is a starting point, I've done a matrix s
with only the circle nodes, to have an easy reference s-row-column
The rest of the nodes and paths are positioned referring to that matrix.
If you find a node like $(node1-name)!.5!(node2-name)$
, it refers to a node which is half way (.5
) between node1
and node2
Let me know if you have some difficulties in completing the picture.
BTW, use tikzset
instead of tikzstyle
, which is deprecated.
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning, calc, intersections, arrows, arrows.meta}
\tikzset{% use tikzset not tikzstyle
bits/.style={rectangle, text width=1.5em, align=center, text=white},
greendashed/.style={-angle 60, dashed, green, thick},
bluethick/.style={-angle 60,very thick, blue, line width=2pt},
blueline/.style={blue, thick},
redline/.style={red, thick},
matrix of math nodes,
column sep=4em, row sep=7ex,
] (s) {%
s_{1} & s_{1} & s_{1} & s_{1} \\
s_{2} & s_{2} & s_{2} & s_{2} \\
s_{3} & s_{3} & s_{3} & s_{3} \\
s_{4} & s_{4} & s_{4} & s_{4} \\
\foreach \num/\bb in {1/00, 2/01, 3/10, 4/11}{%
\node[left = of s-\num-1, red] {$s_{\num}=\bb$};
\foreach \numcol in {1, 2, ..., 4}{%
\node[above =3ex of s-1-\numcol] {$t_{\numcol}$};
\node[below =3ex of s-4-\numcol] {Node $\numcol$};
\node[bits, fill=red, below =12ex of $(s-4-1)!.5!(s-4-2)$] (Ain) {$\mathbf{1}$};
\node[bits, fill=red, below =12ex of $(s-4-2)!.5!(s-4-3)$] (Bin) {$\mathbf{1}$};
\node[bits, fill=red, below =12ex of $(s-4-3)!.5!(s-4-4)$] (Cin) {$\mathbf{0}$};
\node[left=3em of Ain] {Input bits};
\node[bits, fill=blue, below =3ex of Ain] (Aout) {$\mathbf{11}$};
\node[bits, fill=blue, below =3ex of Bin] (Bout) {$\mathbf{01}$};
\node[bits, fill=blue, below =3ex of Cin] (Cout) {$\mathbf{01}$};
\node[left=3em of Aout] {Output bits};
\foreach \icol [evaluate=\icol as \isucc using int(\icol+1)] in {1,2,3}{%
\draw[redline] (s-1-\icol) -- node[above, black, font=\scriptsize] {$00$} (s-1-\isucc);
\draw[bluethick] (s-1-1) -- node[draw=blue, thin, fill=blue!20, rectangle, rounded corners, above=5pt, text=black, font=\scriptsize] {$11$} (s-2-2);
\foreach \icol [evaluate=\icol as \isucc using int(\icol+1)] in {2,3}{%
\draw[blueline] (s-1-\icol) -- node[above=2pt, black, font=\scriptsize] {$11$} (s-2-\isucc);
\draw[greendashed] (Ain) -- ($(s-2-1.north east)+(0.5,-0.5)$) to[out=90, in=240] ($(s-1-1)!.25!(s-2-2)-(1pt,1pt)$);
\draw[greendashed] ($(s-1-1)!.60!(s-2-2)-(1pt,1pt)$) to[out=-90, in=90] ($(Ain.north east)+(0,.7)$) to[out=-90, in=0] (Aout.east);
\matrix[above=7ex of s, column sep=.7em]{%
\draw[redline] (0,.25) -- (1,.25); & \node[font=\scriptsize] {Path when the input is 0}; \\
\draw[blueline] (0,.25) -- (1,.25); & \node[font=\scriptsize] {Path when the input is 1}; \\