Trigger Custom Event From Iframe To Parent Document

This works:


the event triggered inside the iframe will be detected in the parent document.

I have also find my way to solve this problem with jquery:

in parent file:

        <iframe src="something.html"></iframe>


 window.document.addEventListener('event', function(e){
            console.log("event:" + e.detail);
            $("iframe").contents().find(".class[title='" + e.detail + "']").css(someChanges);

so you don't need to add any other EventListener in your iFrames.

of course maybe you want see my CustomEvent:

var test  = "1";
var event = new CustomEvent('event', { detail: test })

I hope I could help somebody...

A consistent answer supporting both same-domain and cross-domain iframes is to use event system.

The goal is to send a custom event from iframe to parent.

In the iframe source file:

var myCustomData = { foo: 'bar' }
var event = new CustomEvent('myEvent', { detail: myCustomData })

And add this in the parent file which contains the iframe:

window.document.addEventListener('myEvent', handleEvent, false)
function handleEvent(e) {
  console.log(e.detail) // outputs: {foo: 'bar'}

I ran into a similar problem and used window.postMessage to solve.

Currently, the API only supports passing a string, but if you modify your solution it can be powerful. More details here

From the source page (being consumed by an iframe):
postMessage API expects 2 params - message , target

ex: window.parent.postMessage("HELLO_PARENT", '');

From the parent page (contains iframe. Eg Container):

  1. Add an event listener as you normally would

     window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, false);
  2. Define your function with event.origin check (for security) \

     function handleMessage(event) {  
         if (event.origin != "") { return; }  
         switch( {   
              case "HELLO_PARENT":  
                 alert("Hello Child");  