Trigger PayPal checkout button click

This isn't something that's supported by the PayPal button right now. The official policy is, only a click on the button itself should open a checkout window.

I guess I am a little bit late, but I hope this will help people who faced this problem, just like me.

You can set paypal's button opacity to 0 and put it over your own checkout button. Then you can set it's display to 'none' or 'block' depending on radio button value.

In my case, I just wanted to use a completely customized button for space reasons. In the end, I hid the paypal button until it on mouse over wrapped in an overflow:hidden div. It looks ok - like a square paypal button without left/right padding..

Background: Paypal's current express checkout documentation says they only support buttons at 80px minimum size, but playing with CSS, seems like the real minimimum on desktop is appx 120px wide.