Trim string field in JPA

The accepted answer (using JPA entity listeners / @Trim annotation) is a dangerous one. Calling the setter on the retrieved entity appears to mark the entity as dirty. When I tried this myself at a root entity level (using Spring3 / hibernate), it triggered tons of extraneous updates to related entities that were otherwise not modified during the transaction. It was a real mess in production, and tracking it down to this being the cause took time.

In the end I opted to go with the more straightforward approach of trimming each of the fields manually on-demand (in a custom entity-to-domain mapper, or in the entity getter) similar to Edwin's answer.

Or you can use lifecycle annotations:

public class MyEntity {

    protected void repair(){

    private String myStringProperty;
    public String getMyStringProperty() {
        return myStringProperty;
    public void setMyStringProperty(String myStringProperty) {
        this.myStringProperty = myStringProperty;


If this occurs on multiple entities you can create a custom annotation and write a dedicated EntityListener.


public @interface Trim {}


public class TrimListener {

    private final Map<Class<?>, Set<Field>> trimProperties = 
        new HashMap<Class<?>, Set<Field>>();

    public void repairAfterLoad(final Object entity) throws Exception {
        for (final Field fieldToTrim : getTrimProperties(entity.getClass())) {
            final String propertyValue = (String) fieldToTrim.get(entity);
            if (propertyValue != null)
                fieldToTrim.set(entity, propertyValue.trim());

    private Set<Field> getTrimProperties(Class<?> entityClass) throws Exception {
        if (Object.class.equals(entityClass))
            return Collections.emptySet();
        Set<Field> propertiesToTrim = trimProperties.get(entityClass);
        if (propertiesToTrim == null) {
            propertiesToTrim = new HashSet<Field>();
            for (final Field field : entityClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
                if (field.getType().equals(String.class)
                    && field.getAnnotation(Trim.class) != null) {
            trimProperties.put(entityClass, propertiesToTrim);
        return propertiesToTrim;


Now annotate all relevant String fields with @Trim and register the Listener as default entity listener in your persistence.xml:

<persistence-unit ..>
    <!-- ... -->



