Trouble trying to use Windows Search to search for file with a question mark in the content

Try ~=? where ? is the character you are searching for.

It looks like Microsoft has removed the ability to search just for special characters. In order to search with special characters there must also be a word included with it (Example: Who?). Again, there must be a word, not just a wildcard, with the special character. That is because Windows Search ignores the special characters with the exception of the wildcards?. Per this indows Search Tips and Tricks page, the only wildcards that available within Windows Search are asterisk and question mark. However, it seems that the only one that works is the asterisk. Even when trying its example, s?n, found on the same page page.

Here is quote from a post on Vista64's Forums: (Source)

Actually, the problem is a little different. Search is now word-based, not character based. Brackets are considered punctuation by Search, not wild cards. To get meaningful results, queries that contain punctuation must also contain words, a phrase, or a wild card. For example, If I search on this:[*] or this: {*} I get a bunch of files that have a phrase in their file name within brackets, just as I would expect. So give that a try.

In Windows 7 I had a similar problem only I was trying to search for keywords surrounded by square brackets ("[" was also ignored similar to "?", "(", "]", etc.) within the filename. What worked for me is the following:

filename:"*[Cumbia]*" OR filename:"*[Reggae]*"

This would find all my songs which I tagged with the text string [Cumbia] or [Reggae] within the filenames. What I would then do is select all the files and then right click on the selection to invoke the Sendto feature to send all the songs to my music player program (Winamp in this case).