Trouble with hooks in chemfig

Placing the M is rather straightforward: use \chemmove, which produces an overlay tikzpicture and then e.g. the calc syntax. What I find more difficult is to reproduce the bond styles. I ended up looking up the definitions and then to repeat what I think they do. (EDIT: Minor fine-tuning, big thanks to AndréC for pushing me.)


\node (M) at ($(OM1)!0.5!(N2)$) {M};
\fill let \p1=($(M)-(OM1)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} in 
($(OM1.\n1)!1mm!(M)$) coordinate (aux1)  (M) -- 
($ (aux1)!1mm!90:(M) $) -- ($ (aux1)!1mm!-90:(M) $)
-- cycle;
\fill let \p1=($(M)-(N1)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} in 
($(N1.\n1)!1mm!(M)$) coordinate (aux2) 
(M) -- 
($ (aux2)!1mm!90:(M) $) -- ($ (aux2)!1mm!-90:(M) $)
-- cycle;
\draw[thick,-,shorten >=1mm] (M) to (OM3.south -|;
\draw[thick,-,shorten >=1mm] (M) to (OM4.north -|;
\clip let \p1=($(M)-(OM2)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} in 
($(OM2.\n1)!1mm!(M)$) coordinate (aux3)  (M) -- 
($ (aux3)!1mm!90:(M) $) -- ($ (aux3)!1mm!-90:(M) $)
-- cycle;
\draw[-,line width=2mm, dash pattern=on 1pt off 2pt,line cap=butt] (M) --(aux3);
\clip let \p1=($(M)-(N2)$),\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)} in 
($(N2.\n1)!1mm!(M)$) coordinate (aux4)  (M) -- 
($ (aux4)!1mm!90:(M) $) -- ($ (aux4)!1mm!-90:(M) $)
-- cycle;
\draw[-,line width=2mm, dash pattern=on 1pt off 2pt,line cap=butt] (M) --(aux4);

enter image description here

This can be done using hooks (?[❬name❭,❬bond❭,❬tikz❭]) only, without using an extra overlay within chemfig{…} environment. Drawing a 3D structure may be somewhat tedious, so here are some key points I've been trying to stick with:

  • Symmetry of the entire complex and the arrangement of the chelating ligands are dictated by the metal center first and foremost, so start with an octahedra for the edta-coordinated metal center.
  • Declare a set of bond lengths to depict significantly longer M−L bonds as well as various bonds within organic ligands that will look differently once projected on a 2D surface (screen/paper).
  • It's a good idea to generally use longer bonds for depicting metallorganics also because these illustrations often have to contain stereochemical descriptors and are overall very crowded.
  • As a rule, I only use an angle increment of 15°. This helps to fine-tune complex structures, while allowing to do geometry in one's head.

With this in mind, there are two variants of the same structure:

  1. Front view, all atoms shown;
  2. Rotated along z-axis for better 3D representation omitting all carbon and hydrogen atoms.

edta metal complex 1 edta metal complex 2

        M-L bond/.style={
        angle increment=15,
        atom sep=\bndlen,
        bond offset=1pt,
        double bond sep=3pt,
        cram width=\cramwid,
        compound sep=5.0em,
        scheme debug=false,
        bond join=true,
        chemfig style={line width=\lnwid},
        arrow style={line width=\lnwid},



    (<:[:15,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (-[:90,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (<:[:165,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]N
    (<[:-15,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (-[:-90,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (<[:-165,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]N

    (<:[:15,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (-[:90,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (<:[:150,\bndlenlonger,,,M-L bond]N
    (<[:-30,\bndlenlonger,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (-[:-90,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]O\rlap{${}^-$}
    (<[:-165,\bndlenlong,,,M-L bond]N
