Trying to add JS and CSS to layout file in MVC 3 Razor website from partial views

I'd do this with sections, i.e.

@section head {
    ...add whatever you want here...

And render the "head" section from the layout:

...other stuff here...
@RenderSection("head", required: false)

If you don't want sections, and don't want to pass it around, I would use the HttpContext here; store some data against HttpContext.Current.Items[someKey]. If it is null, create a new one and store it in the context.

For example:

public static MyCompanyHtmlHelpers GetInstance(HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
    const string key = "MyCompanyHtmlHelpersInstance";
    IDictionary items = (htmlHelper == null || htmlHelper.ViewContext == null
        || htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext == null)
        ? HttpContext.Current.Items : htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items;

    MyCompanyHtmlHelpers obj = (MyCompanyHtmlHelpers)items[key];
    if (obj == null)
        items.Add(key, obj = new MyCompanyHtmlHelpers());
    return obj;