Trying to attach mdf file to localDb throws error at least one file is required

If you don't recall the previous filenames, open the .mdf file in a hex editor and at around offset 0x19D you'll see a UTF-16 (2 byte/char) string of that filename

For completion's sake - Jim's comment solves (half) the problem and gets you going.

The other "half" of the problem is - what if you ultimately want to rename the physical database file? The answer is available in this CodeProject post.


  1. ALTER DATABASE to set the new physical filenames (data file and log file)
    Won't take effect until SQL Server is restarted or the database taken offline and brought back online

    • ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName', FILENAME = '<Full-Path-Required>\NewDbName.mdf');
    • ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName_log', FILENAME = '<Full-Path-Required>\NewDbName_log.ldf');
  2. ALTER DATABASE again to set new logical file names (again, data and log files)
    Takes effect immediately

    • ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName', NEWNAME = 'NewDbName');
    • ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName_log', NEWNAME = 'NewDbName_log');
  3. Take offline and bring back online or restart SQL Server

    • Using SQL Server Management Studio:
      1. Right-click on the renamed database and click Take Offline under Tasks.
      2. Right-click on the (offline) database and click Bring Online under Tasks.
    • Using T-SQL:
      1. ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; (sets it to offline and disconnects any clients)
      2. ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] SET ONLINE;

Full code:

-- Find "CurrentName" (without quotes) and replace with the current database name
-- Find "NewDbName" (without quotes) and replace with the new database name

USE [CurrentName];

-- Change physical file names:
ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName', FILENAME = '<Full-Path-Required>\NewDbName.mdf');
ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName_log', FILENAME = '<Full-Path-Required>\NewDbName_log.ldf');

-- Change logical names:
ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName', NEWNAME = 'NewDbName');
ALTER DATABASE [CurrentName] MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'CurrentName_log', NEWNAME = 'NewDbName_log');

-- Take offline and back online
USE [master]
-- Then navigate to <Full-Path-Required> and rename the files