TTabSheet hints in Delphi

Just hook the Page Control's Mouse Move event and use the TabAtPos property to determine which tab the mouse is hovering over. Then assign that tab's Hint to the Page Control's hint property.

procedure TForm.PageMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer);
  tabindex: integer;
  tabindex := PageControl.IndexOfTabAt(X, Y);
  if (tabindex >= 0) and (PageControl.Hint <> PageControl.Pages[tabindex].Hint) then
    PageControl.Hint := PageControl.Pages[tabindex].Hint;
    PageControl.ShowHint := true;

CancelHint/ShowHint will take care of updating the hint window when mouse moves directly from one tab to another.

Improved but ugly version below also temporarily changes HintPause to 0 when mouse is moved directly from tab to tab so that the hint is redisplayed immediately. (The "ugly" part of the solution goes to the Application.ProcessMessages call which forces hint messages to be processed before HintPause is restored.)

procedure TForm.PagesMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: integer);
  hintPause: integer;
  tabindex: integer;
  tabindex := PageControl.IndexOfTabAt(X, Y);
  if (tabindex >= 0) and (PageControl.Hint <> PageControl.Pages[tabindex].Hint) then
    hintPause := Application.HintPause;
      if PageControl.Hint <> '' then
        Application.HintPause := 0;
      PageControl.Hint := PageControl.Pages[tabindex].Hint;
      PageControl.ShowHint := true;
      Application.ProcessMessages; // force hint to appear
    finally Application.HintPause := hintPause; end;

To hide the hint on the main page body, assign the following method to the page control's OnMouseLeave event.

procedure TForm.PageMouseLeave(Sender: TObject);
  PageControl.Hint := '';
  PageControl.ShowHint := false;

In Raize Components, this can be accomplished by setting the trzpagecontrol.tabhints property to true. Good components can save you a lot of time (therefore money).

(just a happy customer, btw)

Update (in response to comment from @Rigel) from FAQ (Raize Components tab):

What happened to Raize Components?

Back in 2015 Embarcadero acquired Raize Components from us and rebranded the product as the Konopka Signature VCL Controls (KSVC). Initially they sold the product separately, but for the past several releases of RAD Studio, the components have been available for free through the GetIt Package Manager. Simply open the GetIt Package Manager from the Delphi or C++Builder Tools menu and search for “Konopka” to locate the installer. The component names, units, and packages are the same as they were in Raize Components, just the product name is different.