turn datetime into integer of minutes code example
Example 1: change a decimal to time in datetime python
time = 72.345
hours = int(time)
minutes = (time*60) % 60
seconds = (time*3600) % 60
print("%d:%02d.%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds))
>> 72:20:42
Example 2: decimal hour to hour minute python
>>> def frac(n):
... i = int(n)
... f = round((n - int(n)), 4)
... return (i, f)
>>> frac(53.45)
(53, 0.45)
>>> def frmt(hour):
... hours, _min = frac(hour)
... minutes, _sec = frac(_min*60)
... seconds, _msec = frac(_sec*60)
... return "%s:%s:%s"%(hours, minutes, seconds)
>>> frmt(72.345)
>>> l = [72.345, 72.629, 71.327]
>>> map(frmt, l)
['72:20:42', '72:37:44', '71:19:37']