Turn off highlighting (or any package)

You can redefine the commands from the soul package that you use to do nothing.

With highlighting:

This is \ul{underlined} and \hl{highlighted} text.

enter image description here

Without highlighting:

\renewcommand\ul[1]{#1} % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\renewcommand\hl[1]{#1} % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
This is \ul{underlined} and \hl{highlighted} text.

enter image description here

You might want to look into the changes packages. By passing it the option final all the markup is suppressed. You can define your own highlights and get a list of changes. This package is design for marking up edits, but you don't have to use it for that.

It has its own tag here.