TwitteR setup_twitter_oauth() failing

Just check your firewall settings and allow R through.

I tried all the the different solutions mentioned regarding packages , etc. None of them worked. I finally found that it is nothing but a simple firewall issue. I recommend that everybody who faces this issue first check their firewall settings. Make sure that R is added in the list of applications allowed through the firewall. This should solve the issue.

I had to do the following settings to make this work

package versions : base64enc_0.1-3 httr_1.2.1 twitteR_1.1.8

installed twitteR using command: devtools::install_github("jrowen/twitteR", ref = "oauth_httr_1_0")

And i had an existing app which didnt work so i went ahead a created a new app on twitter.

This combination works for me

Just (install and) load the package 'base64enc'.