two different \mathcal{H}

The H comes from the standard font cmsy10, but an old version. There was a change in 2009. (The cited typesetting-script.pdf was created at 2009-02-11, using the old symbol font.)

The symbol with cmsy10.pfb from an old TeX Live 5 (2000):

\mathcal{H} before 2009

The font file cmsy10.pfb from TL 5 (2000) contains:

CMSY10 1.0
%%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 15 07:20:57
% Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society.  All Rights Reserved.

The current font file (2018) contains:

%%Title: CMSY10
%Version: 003.002
%%CreationDate: Mon Jul 13 16:17:00 2009
%%Creator: David M. Jones
%Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society

Very likely there was a font change in 2009 or before that changed the calligraphic uppercase H.

I hacked a fit to 10pt and 12pt versions, by stacking white boxes over the left arm of the H.




enter image description here

If those boxes were visible, they would look like this:

enter image description here

Here is a version that gets you something similar using the modern toolchain (unicode-math in XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX). A second script alphabet is available in Asana Math as a stylistic alternative.

\documentclass[varwidth, preview]{standalone}

\setmainfont{Palatino Linotype}[Ligatures={Common,Discretionary,TeX}]
\setmathfont[Scale=MatchUppercase]{Asana Math}
\setmathfont[range={cal, bfcal}, Scale=MatchUppercase, Alternate]{Asana Math}

\( \mathcal{H} \)


You can see a pretty comprenehsive list of the legacy calligraphic alphabets in the documentation for mathalpha (formerly mathalfa).

You might try pxtx or see if there’s another version there you like better:

\documentclass[varwidth, preview]{standalone}

\( \mathcal{H} \)


Both of these are based on pxfonts/txfonts by Young Ryu.


