Two sideways tables on one page

The sidewaystable environment doesn't limit you to one table per page. As long as the tabular (or tabular*, etc.) environments fit in a single (rotated) page, you can have more than one of these environments on a page typeset in a sidewaystable construct.

For instance, the following code places two simple tabular* environments one below the other (or, if you will, side by side...) on one page. Note that they can be given captions and be cross-referenced like any other tabular construct.

Cross-references to tables \ref{tab:1} and \ref{tab:2}.
\caption{First table} \label{tab:1}

\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{c @{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{9}{c}}
a & b & c & d & e & f & g & h & i & j \\

\bigskip\bigskip  % provide some separation between the two tables
\caption{Second table} \label{tab:2}

\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{c @{\extracolsep{\fill}} *{9}{c}}
a & b & c & d & e & f & g & h & i & j \\

Perhaps using the hvfloat package?



header1 & header2 \\
text1 & text2 \\
text3 & text4 \\
{A first rotated table}%


header3 & header4 & header5 \\
text5 & text6 & text7 \\
text8 & text9 & text10 \\
{Another rotated table next to the first one}%


enter image description here




header1 & header2 \\
text1 & text2 \\
text3 & text4 \\
{A first rotated table}%
header3 & header4 & header5 \\
text5 & text6 & text7 \\
text8 & text9 & text10 \\
{Another rotated table next to the first one}%


enter image description here