Two way binding in RxSwift
You type anything it will be clear after 5 seconds. This was taken from above answer
import UIKit
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
class UserViewModel {
let username = BehaviorSubject<String?>(value: "")
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var email: UITextField!
var userViewModel = UserViewModel()
let bag = DisposeBag()
override func viewDidLoad() {
userViewModel.username.asObservable().subscribe { print($0) }.disposed(by: bag)
(email.rx.text <-> userViewModel.username).disposed(by: bag)
// clear value of the username.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now()+5) {
infix operator <->
@discardableResult func <-><T>(property: ControlProperty<T>, variable: BehaviorSubject<T>) -> Disposable {
let variableToProperty = variable.asObservable()
.bind(to: property)
let propertyToVariable = property
onNext: { variable.onNext($0) },
onCompleted: { variableToProperty.dispose() }
return Disposables.create(variableToProperty, propertyToVariable)
Thanks for raising the question, I spent some time digging around the ControlProperty
implementation (note I've added a .debug()
call to trace the values generated for control property).
public struct ControlProperty<PropertyType> : ControlPropertyType {
public typealias E = PropertyType
let _values: Observable<PropertyType>
let _valueSink: AnyObserver<PropertyType>
public init<V: ObservableType, S: ObserverType where E == V.E, E == S.E>(values: V, valueSink: S) {
_values = values.debug("Control property values").subscribeOn(ConcurrentMainScheduler.instance)
_valueSink = valueSink.asObserver()
public func on(event: Event<E>) {
switch event {
case .Error(let error):
case .Next:
case .Completed:
My test setup was as following, I've removed all views positioning here to make it shorter:
import UIKit
import RxSwift
import RxCocoa
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let variable = Variable<Bool>(false);
let bag = DisposeBag();
override func loadView() {
let aSwitch = UISwitch();
(aSwitch.rx_value <-> variable).addDisposableTo(bag);
let button = UIButton();
button.rx_tap.subscribeNext { [weak self] in
self?.variable.value = true;
infix operator <-> {
func <-> <T>(property: ControlProperty<T>, variable: Variable<T>) -> Disposable{
let bindToUIDisposable = variable.asObservable().debug("Variable values in bind")
let bindToVariable = property
.debug("Property values in bind")
.subscribe(onNext: { n in
variable.value = n
}, onCompleted: {
return StableCompositeDisposable.create(bindToUIDisposable, bindToVariable)
Now to the results. First we try tapping the button, which should set the variable to true
. This triggers on(event: Event<E>)
on ControlProperty and sets the switch value to true
2016-05-28 12:24:33.229: Variable values in bind -> Event Next(true)
// value flow
value assigned to Variable ->
Variable emits event ->
ControlProperty receives event ->
value assigned to underlying control property (e.g. `on` for `UISwitch`)
Next lets trigger the switch itself. So as we can see, the control generated an event as a result of UIControlEventValueChanged
which was passed through _values
on ControlProperty, and then its value got assigned to Variable
value as in example above. But there's no loop, since update to the Variable
value doesn't trigger a control event on the switch.
2016-05-28 12:29:01.957: Control property values -> Event Next(false)
2016-05-28 12:29:01.957: Property values in bind -> Event Next(false)
2016-05-28 12:29:01.958: Variable values in bind -> Event Next(false)
// value flow
trigger the state of control (e.g. `UISwitch`) ->
ControlProperty emits event ->
value assigned to Variable ->
Variable emits event ->
ControlProperty receives event ->
value assigned to underlying control property (e.g. `on` for `UISwitch`)
So a simple explanation would be:
- a value from a control is emitted once some kind of
is triggered - when a value is assigned directly to the control property, the control doesn't trigger a change event so there's no loop.
Hope it helps, sorry for a bit messy explanation - I've found it out by experiment)
I believe you can just use bindTo
ð. Here are implementations for ControlProperty <-> Variable
and Variable <-> Variable
infix operator <-> { precedence 130 associativity left }
func <-><T: Comparable>(property: ControlProperty<T>, variable: Variable<T>) -> Disposable {
let variableToProperty = variable.asObservable()
let propertyToVariable = property
return StableCompositeDisposable.create(variableToProperty, propertyToVariable)
func <-><T: Comparable>(left: Variable<T>, right: Variable<T>) -> Disposable {
let leftToRight = left.asObservable()
let rightToLeft = right.asObservable()
return StableCompositeDisposable.create(leftToRight, rightToLeft)
Examples of ControlProperty <-> Variable
(such as UITextField
and UITextView
) are in the RxSwiftPlayer project
// Example of Variable <-> Variable
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
let var1 = Variable(1)
let var2 = Variable(2)
(var1 <-> var2).addDisposableTo(disposeBag)
var1.value = 10
print(var2.value) // 10
var2.value = 20
print(var1.value) // 20