Typeorm: How to order by a relation field

This is supported as of TypeORM 0.3.0:

    order: {
        singer: {
            name: "ASC"

I don't think it is currently supported by typeorm without the query builder, there is currently a feature request open

With the QueryBuilder it is quite simple though:

connection.createQueryBuilder(Song, 'songs')
   .leftJoinAndSelect('songs.singer', 'singer')
   .orderBy('singer.name', 'ASC')

Try the default order on the entity model


@Entity("sample30_post", {
    orderBy: {
        title: "ASC",
        id: "DESC"
export class Post {

    id: number;

    title: string;


I had the same issue i tried to order by custom column but without query builder because i was using Repository, this is my solution :

let res = await this.trackingRepository.findAndCount({
      where: [{ username : Like(`%${searchValue}%`) },
              { action : Like(`%${searchValue}%`) },
              { ip : Like(`%${searchValue}%`) }],
      order: {
        [sortField]: sortOrder === "descend" ? 'DESC' : 'ASC',
      skip: (current - 1) * pageSize,
      take: pageSize,