types in Python code example

Example 1: python data types

# Here are the available types in Python. Use type() to find out what
# type your object is. 
Text Type:		str
Numeric Types:	int, float, complex
Sequence Types:	list, tuple, range
Mapping Type:	dict
Set Types:		set, frozenset
Boolean Type:	bool
Binary Types:	bytes, bytearray, memoryview
# Examples of types:
Strings: "This is a string"
  		 'This is also a string'
         Triple quotes allow you to have multi-line strings and are
         useful for automatically escaping "single quotes"
Integers: 	1
  			12345678901234567890 # Python 3 can represent huge numbers
    		# Use 0letter# to specify integers in other bases. Letters 
      		# are: b for binary, o for octal, x or X for hexadecimal
      		0b10 = 2 in binary, 0o10 = 8 in octal, 0x10 = 16 in hexadecimal
# Still working on this answer...

Example 2: python data types

# Pyhton data types

# Integer
age = 18

# Float (AKA Floating point number)
current_balance = 51.28

# Boolean
is_tall = False # can be set to either True or False

# String
message = "Have a nice day"

# List
my_list = ["apples", 5, 7.3]

# Dictionary
my_dictionary = {'amount': 75}

# Tuple
coordinates = (40, 74) # can NOT be changed later

# Set
my_set = {5, 6, 3}

Example 3: what is the type of the data python

>>> type(1234)
<class 'int'> 
>>> type(55.50) 
<class 'float'>  
>>> type(6+4j)   
<class 'complex'> 
>>> type("hello") 
<class 'str'>     
>>> type([1,2,3,4]) 
<class 'list'>      
>>> type((1,2,3,4)) 
<class 'tuple'>     
>>> type({1:"one", 2:"two", 3:"three"}
<class 'dict'>

Example 4: python data types

# Float
average_tutorial_rating = 4.01
# Integer
age = 20
# Boolean
tutorials_are_good = True # True or False
# arrays/lists
numbers = [1, 2, 3]

Example 5: type in python

numbers_list = [1, 2]

numbers_dict = {1: 'one', 2: 'two'}

class Foo:
    a = 0

foo = Foo()


<class 'dict'>
<class 'Foo'>
<class '__main__.Foo'>

Example 6: python data types

#use syntax: variable = value
string = 'ASCII text'
integer = 1234567890
floatnum = 123.456
#list(called arrays in other languages)
numlist = [1,2,3,4,5]
#dictionary(called objects in other languages)
dictionary = {'key','value'}