ansible hosts files code example
Example 1: ansible hosts
[webserver] ansible_password=passwd
Example 2: ansible hosts file update
- name: host file update - Local DNS setup across all the servers
hosts: multi
gather_facts: yes
- name: Update the /etc/hosts file with node name
tags: etchostsupdate
become: yes
become_user: root
path: "/etc/hosts"
regexp: ".*\t{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname']}}\t{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname']}}"
line: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_env'].SSH_CONNECTION.split(' ')[2] }}\t{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname']}}\t{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_hostname']}}"
state: present
backup: yes
register: etchostsupdate
when: ansible_hostname != "{{ item }}" or ansible_hostname == "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{groups['multi']}}"