example of a test case
Example 1: what does a test case consists of
It is documentation which describes step by step how to perform testing.
It includes:
- test case ID (TC ID)
- test case name (TC Name)
- pre-condition
- step definitions
- test data
- expected/actual result
- pass/fail
Tester creates test cases.
Example 2: how to write test cases
Let me break down the process into small pieces.
First of all
1. Requirement Analysis: Process starts with
the grooming meeting. I listen my PO very
carefully during the grooming meeting.
Because she knows all the system reqirements
and has connection with the business side.
Even she knows all expectations about the
functionality she might not reflect all
details to the user stories and exceptance criterias.
So, I try to figure out what is the root
cause of any acceptance criteria.
If I have some doubts at first glance,
it is high time to raise some additional
question to her to clarify in and out.
After grooming meeting, I have 3 days to
digest all user stories and acceptance
criterias before sprint planning meeting.
I try to find the gaps and bugs at these
phase which is a kind of static testing.
So, I can throw more detailed question on
Sprint Planning meeting. The output of this
phase is going to be RTM (Requirement Tracability Matrix).
2. Test Planning: The most important deliverable
is the test plan. In this document, we cover
the scope of the test, the test strategy,
testing types and tools to be implemented,
roles and responsibilities. QA Lead prepares
the test plan on Jira and allocates the
tasks for all QA team members.
She posts the Test Plan on Jira.
3. Test case development: During this phase,
I generate test cases for each and
every functionality, covered in RTM.
After writing my test steps I ask related
developer and PO to review my test steps
just to make sure that I cover all requirements
and we are on the same page. I always choose
to start with happy path for each scenario.
Then I try to find out the limitations and
boundries of the functionality which I can
extract from acceptance criteria.
I force the function against all type of
limitations with different scenarios.
The last I create some negative scenarios.
If I find any gap during this phase I go and
tell PO to add some additional acceptance
criterias or clarify them.