how to access the property of an object javascript code example

Example 1: how to add property to object in javascript

var data = {
    'PropertyA': 1,
    'PropertyB': 2,
    'PropertyC': 3

data["PropertyD"] = 4;

// dialog box with 4 in it

Example 2: js objects

// To make an object literal:
const dog = {
    name: "Rusty",
    breed: "unknown",
    isAlive: false,
    age: 7
// All keys will be turned into strings!

// To retrieve a value:
dog.age; //7
dog["age"]; //7

//updating values
dog.breed = "mutt";
dog["age"] = 8;

Example 3: how to a property from a JavaScript object

delete myObject.regex;
// or,
delete myObject['regex'];
// or,
var prop = "regex";
delete myObject[prop];

/** Demo */
var myObject = {
    "ircEvent": "PRIVMSG",
    "method": "newURI",
    "regex": "^http://.*"
delete myObject.regex;


Example 4: objects in javascript

let name = {
	name1: 'mark'